Paul Sides Facebook Rant About Eating Lobster And Pork, And Being Married To A Whore

This website serves to expose Paul Sides as a false teacher.

On 09/29/16 Paul Sides, who writes as Rav Sha’ul, wrote on Facebook: (My comments are in red)

Everytime I post something on someone else’s Facebook Page to save their life, I get some wannabe immediately post the hatchet job of my life and teachings website and graphic accusing me of eating Lobster and Pork and being married to a whore.

You can look at the pictures that Paul and Stephanie have shared on Facebook, and decide if she looks like a whore.  I’ve never called her that name.

I make no apologies for the pictures of Stephanie on this website, as they were shared by Paul and Stephanie on Facebook for all to see; and they help people see how they present themselves to the world.  The rest of the website serves to expose his false teachings. 

They post stuff totally out of context of my life, deny that my witness is that of a PRODIGAL SON… and twist my testimony and use it against me, denying the blood of the Lamb over my life as I have LONG since been forgiven and even disciplined to the point of DEATH and 30 days in a coma… but they don’t mention that.

Does mentioning his story change the truth about his heretical teachings?  No!

Does showing that Rav Sha’ul proclaims to be God and forgive sins tell you something about him? Yes!

They just show 10 year old pics, and twist the truth saying things like “this guy says Yahusha was a sinner” not giving ANY context to that at all.

The pictures on this website are not 10 years old, that is a lie from Paul to his followers, to excuse his bad form. The oldest one with Stephanie in a yellow bikini, which Paul posted on Facebook for all to see, is from 11/12/12.

He made the statement that Messiah sinned.  Do we need all of his context about whether Messiah was a sinner?  No!

I just needed to show Scriptures that proclaim that Messiah did not sin; and I did exactly that in this study Paul Sides Is A False Teacher, which proves that Rav Sha’ul is wrong!

I want to thank Jeanette Adams and Justine Nero two sisters who refused to put up with that type of behavior on their Facebook Page, taking immediate action to rebuke the offender, delete the comments, and allow me the opportunity to do what I have been anointed to do… teach His people the Truth without distraction of lies and false witnesses.

It’s sad to see people be misled by Paul Sides, and help others learn his false teachings about Messiah and prophecy fulfillment.

Not one of these wannabe teachers has ever even attempted to address what I teach.

This whole website addresses what Rav Shaul teaches… and proves that he is a heretic!

Paul Sides has been approached by many people in discussions on Facebook, and he does not listen to their feedback or correction. 

Not one…. has shown themselves approved to overcome it.

I’ve proved with Scripture that his teachings about Messiah being 100% human and sinful, are false in Paul Sides Is A False Teacher

And I’ve totally exposed his false teachings about prophecy fulfillment in Paul Sides Is A False Prophecy Teacher

Instead they hide in the shadows, PM everyone behind my back, and create web sites that are one sided and hatchet jobs, and Facebook Groups where they attack every picture, create stories around those pictures, accusing me of molesting my daughter, being a swinger, fleecing the sheep for selling books, and list of lies goes on forever.

The irony is the Paul Sides knows that I created this website, so I am not hidden.  He just doesn’t identify me, because people would read the truth, and find out that he is a heretic.

He dismisses the studies on this website as one-sided hatchet jobs.  He says that Messiah is 100% human, I provided Scripture that proves that Messiah is deity.  He says that Messiah sinned, I provided Scripture that proves that Messiah was sinless.  That is a defense of the faith.

For the record, I do not have a Facebook page about Rav Sha’ul, I never accused him of molesting his daughter, being a swinger, or fleecing the sheep for selling books.  There are others who do those things.

These are the one who are “teaching” the people. They are a disgrace. Even secular people show more love and honesty than these.

I’m not sure how I’m supposed to show love to someone who is deceiving people into believing in a false messiah.  I certainly don’t hate Paul Sides, but I do hate that his heretical teachings are misleading people.

As for honestly, please, this from the man who lied about me posting 1-star reviews on his Amazon book listings, when all anyone has to do is look and see that many of his books have only 5-star reviews, and that there are only a few 1-star reviews, none of which are from me. 

I love people, so I share the truth with them about the false teachings of Paul Sides, so that they can see that Rav Sha’ul Proclaims To Be God And Forgive Sins

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