Who Is Paul Sides, aka Rav Sha’ul?

Last year I started following the teachings of Paul Sides, who writes as Rav Sha’ul on SabbathCovenant.com, and I began researching what he was saying.

I found it interesting because the Spirit had pulled me out of ‘christianity’ and the deceptions that are taught in Protestant churches; and I was searching for truth.

I had learned truth about the concept of the ‘holy trinity.’  And I had learned to observe Elohim’s seven Holy Feast Days, instead of Easter and Christmas.

So what Paul Sides teaches about those topics was of great interest to me.

But then I read one of his articles that proclaims that Messiah was 100% human, that He sinned, and that He did not exist before He was born.

Here is a summary of what Paul Sides teaches about Messiah, and the supposed Yahushaic Covenant:

Paul Sides teaches that Messiah was 100% man, because Mary was impregnated by Joseph’s sperm. He teaches that Messiah sinned and needed to be baptized by John for remission of sins. He teaches that just like Elohim made covenants with men like Abraham and Moses, Messiah made a covenant with the man Yahusha.  He teaches that after Messiah became perfected and lived a sinless life as a priest, and died to Himself on the cross, that He was then made divine.

All of that put a huge check in my spirit, which caused me to study scripture to see what it was proclaiming.

Paul Sides also teaches that Messiah was married to Mary Magdalene, and that He had children. And that His physical body wasn’t resurrected, just His spiritual one.

I found that the Scriptures only seem to be congruent when:

You see the Father as the most High God/Elohim;

Messiah as the Father’s first-born creation, thus He is deity, but He is separate and subservient to the Father;

That the world was created through them;

That Messiah is the image of the invisible Father, who came in the flesh to fulfill His Father’s will, to redeem His set apart people;

That Mary supernaturally became pregnant without being with a man, Joseph;

That Messiah was the spotless Lamb of Elohim, who was without sin;

And that the Spirit of the Father is given to those who have a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.

Then Messiah’s statements about the Father and His conversations with the Father, seem very normal. Then Messiah, who was the exact representation of the Father, could be tempted by sin; and could die as the Passover Lamb, and be raised again by the Father.

So while most christians have a distorted trinitarian view of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Paul Sides and Ed Moore have gone too far the other way.

The Apostle John warned, “Because many who are leading astray went out into the world who do not confess יהושע Messiah as coming in the flesh. This one is he who is leading astray and the anti-messiah.

John is NOT pointing out that a man would come in the flesh, because that is the case for every human being.  He is declaring that Messiah is deity who came in the flesh.

Paul Sides and Ed Moore are proclaiming that Messiah is not deity, but that He was only a man.  Thus by John’s definition, they are leading people astray and are anti-Messiah.

This study proves that Rav Shaul’s teachings about Messiah are false: Paul Sides Is A False Teacher Who Says Messiah Was 100% Human

I also read Rav Shaul’s explanations about prophecy, which interested me, as I have studied prophecy a lot.

Here is a summary of what Paul Sides has proclaimed.  Once again he uses The Heavenly Scroll, which is not declared in Scripture, to explain prophecy fulfillment:

He predicted that Messiah would return on September 13, 2007.

He teaches that the false concept of Jesus Christ is the Antichrist of Revelation 13.

He teaches that the man of sin, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, is not an actual man, but an image of a man, the false Jesus Christ.

He teaches that the number 666 points to Jesus Christ as the antichrist.

He teaches that the ‘restrainer‘ of 2 Thessalonians 2 is the Archangel Michael.

He teaches that the locust of the fifth trumpet of Revelation are Christian preachers who lead people astray.

He teaches that there will only be 10 days of tribulation.

I have found that the prophecy fulfillment only seems to be congruent when:

You understand that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, have fulfilled the prophetic titles of the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation 13.

Daniel and the Apostle Paul and John all described the same thing, the antichrist Popes of Rome rising to power after the Roman Empire collapsed, and the Roman Emperor was removed from power.

So the false concept of Jesus Christ is not THE antichrist, like Paul Sides teaches; rather it is the Popes of Rome, who proclaim to be Jesus Christ, and the leader of the true church.

The Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17, who wears purple and scarlet, who has the golden cup for her Eucharist ceremony abominations, who has shed the blood of the saints.

The Roman Catholic church is the Babylonian Mystery religion, hidden under the guise a christian church.  And Protestant churches are her daughters, along with Islam and other false religions.

Paul Sides false prophecy fulfillment explanations effectively deflect blame away from the Jesuits of Rome, who are the earth beast of Revelation 13.

They control the world via their three city-state corporations of Vatican City, which controls the world’s religious and political leaders; the City Of London, which controls the world’s financial and trade organizations; and the District of Columbia, which controls the world’s intelligence agencies and military powers.

This study proves that his teachings about prophecy fulfillment are false: Paul Sides Is A False Prophecy Teacher

Recently I learned that Rav Sha’ul is writing his own Bible version.

He posted his version of the book of Galatians, and it is an abomination!

He is justifying adding text to the Scriptures, to explain his interpretation. But you will see that he has changed the intent of verses and added false meanings to them, which is a violation of Yah’s command.

He is proclaiming that nobody else has translated the book of Galatians correctly.

A word-for-word translation gives you what the Apostle Paul proclaimed, so Paul Sides is effectively telling you that his version is what the Apostle Paul should have written.  Last time I checked the Apostle Paul’s words were inspired by the Spirit of Yah.

Rav Sha’ul is claiming that Scripture was altered to make Messiah sinless and deity, but what you will see is that it is he who is manipulating Scripture to justify his heretical teachings about Messiah. Read Paul Sides Is A False Bible Translator

As I continued to research Paul Sides, I found many discrepancies in his personal life, that don’t match up with a supposed Nazarene teacher. 

I think that exposing his false teachings is the primary way to reveal truth about someone, but his lifestyle gives a glimpse of who he is. This is not gossip, this is simply sharing what they have posted on Facebook for all to see.

Here is a summary of what I found:

Paul and Stephanie both have tattoos of the Father’s Hebrew name, so it’s not a case of having them before they were saved.  Paul dismisses the Torah command about not having tattoos.

Stephanie recently posted that she worked 10 days in a row, which means that she worked on the Sabbath day; which is forbidden in the Torah.

Stephanie has a obvious focus on alcohol, and recently studied to become a bartender.

And the pictures of Stephanie that they have been shared by both of them are inappropriate, as they can cause a weak brother to stumble.

So from my perspective, I am seeing a false teacher, a false prophet, a heretic Bible translator, and someone who excuses not obeying the Torah.

And sadly, I had to find out that Paul Sides is also a liar.

Paul accused me of writing bad 1-star reviews on all of his books on Amazon.com, but if people would just read the reviews for themselves they would see that six of his books have nothing but 5-star reviews, which invalidates his claim. And of the books that have a 1-star review on them, none appear to be from the same person, and none are from me.

Why would he lie about something that people can so easily see is not true?

Here is the link to his books on Amazon, so you can see for yourself. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=rav+shaul

It’s not my place to judge Paul Sides.  He will stand before Elohim to account for his works.  But we are called to discern truth and expose deceptions.

This really isn’t about me being right and Paul Sides being wrong.  This is my calling, to teach the truth and expose the many deceptions of these end times.  I have exposed many other false teachers.

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and shall not blow the ram’s horn, and the people shall not be warned, and the sword comes and takes any being from among them, he is taken away in his crookedness, and his blood I require at the watchman’s hand.’ Ezekiel 33:6

The influence of Paul Sides is growing and many people are being deceived by his teachings. He has people like Ed Moore on Facebook promoting his teachings. And he posts them on SabbathCovenant.com

As a watchman on the wall, I will not sit idly by and let them deceive people. The Spirit has equipped me to be able to expose their many false teachings. If people will study the Scriptures to search for truth, instead of just defending Paul Sides; they too will see that he is a false teacher.

Here’s an absurd video of Paul Sides baptizing himself in his tub, in response to this website.

He ends the video by saying, “Thank David, the murderer (hatred for a brother is murder) who has stoned his brother to death for what Yahuah has forgotten… for costing you your eternal life by causing you to do the same thing. REPENT! Your hatred for me is not worth your eternal life for mocking Yahuah’s promise to forgive my sin and remember it no more through Mikveh.”

I do not hate Paul Sides, so his proclamation is unfounded. I grieve that he is misleading people with false explanations about Messiah, and I’m called to expose his deceptive teachings. The focus of this website is his false teachings, not his past life.

I pray that you can see the truth about Paul Sides, so that you’re not misled by his false teachings.

Please pray for Paul Sides, Ed Moore and their followers, that they would come to see the truth.

If you see people on Facebook who are promoting his teachings, please share these studies with them and pray for them.

Grace, peace and love to you in Yah’s mighty name!

David Nikao Wilcoxson

Here are some images that you can save and use on Facebook to summarize his false teachings that are based on The Heavenly Scroll:

Paul Sides proclaims Messiah did not exist before His birth, which denies His deity


Rav Sha'ul teaches that Messiah was born of Josephs seed, making him 100% human


Paul Sides proclaims that Messiah was 100% human and not deity.


Paul Sides teaches that Messiah was sinful and needed to be perfected, this denying His deity









135 thoughts on “Who Is Paul Sides, aka Rav Sha’ul?”

  1. Hello,

    You are patently correct about the anti Messiah missionary Paul Sides. When people realize X-tianity is false and laced with paganism and they exit Babylon, Paul Sides and his anti Messiah types are lurking in the shadow of the exit sign to
    redirect people down the wrong path. Having been programmed in the Presbyterian template, when one breaks out it leaves one in a vulnerable position. The quest for truth is on, but not yet discovered. What Sides does is parlay the paganism aspect in X-tianity in all his glossy books he sells for $$. No true follower of Messiah would sell the word.
    When you start to pick apart what he is saying and where he is leading you it is in DIRECT CONTRADICTION to scripture, He also touts that Enoch zodiac wheel which he claims is modeled after the old temple walls. Well, Ezekiel has plenty to say about the abominations on those walls. The bottom line is this. Paul Sides is a classic wolf, he is a liar, he is a demon, he is false, and he is flat out wicked….

  2. You aren’t going to judge him but it sure sounds like judging. All you mention is for someone else to judge. Point out what is wrong in your interpretation but it should be left at that IMHO

  3. I stumbled across Rav Sha’ul a.k.a Paul Side as I was looking for a commentary on Galatians on Amazon. A red flag jumped out, thank you David for your website, it confirmed my suspicions quickly. A great resource…

    • Thank you for your comment Aaron! I’m blessed to know that the studies helped you see the truth about Rav Sha’ul a.k.a Paul Sides. Keep learning and growing in The Way! David

  4. Todah, David
    Paul Sides is indeed a very dangerous man.
    How very sad it is to see so many on Facebook and other websites who are
    following this deceived man, and his cohorts.

    In my quest to prove Paul Sides as a false prophet/teacher (that he is).
    Not everything about your findings has proven to be a bad thing,
    I’m much wiser as a result.


  5. Blinded, under strong Delusion. Paul Sides is a Weapon in the hands of Yahuah. You don’t agree with the truth but are a lover of yourself? I doubt you’ll post. I support Sabbath Covenant, the Nazarene Guide

  6. Thansk for the warning! I was first taken about his explenation of The name of Jesus / Yehusa etc…. but when I went to his homepage I understood something was wrong about his teaching and I became “sick” of reading his false teology views etc.
    I am glad i found out in time!!!

    • Thank you for your comment Roy! I made this website for people like you, who are searching for the truth! HalleluYah! 🙂

  7. It is time to reveal the truth don’t judge the one who liberate us from the hand of Babylon if you don’t have interest, don’t blockade the way set it loose.


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