Who Is Paul Sides, aka Rav Sha’ul?

Last year I started following the teachings of Paul Sides, who writes as Rav Sha’ul on SabbathCovenant.com, and I began researching what he was saying.

I found it interesting because the Spirit had pulled me out of ‘christianity’ and the deceptions that are taught in Protestant churches; and I was searching for truth.

I had learned truth about the concept of the ‘holy trinity.’  And I had learned to observe Elohim’s seven Holy Feast Days, instead of Easter and Christmas.

So what Paul Sides teaches about those topics was of great interest to me.

But then I read one of his articles that proclaims that Messiah was 100% human, that He sinned, and that He did not exist before He was born.

Here is a summary of what Paul Sides teaches about Messiah, and the supposed Yahushaic Covenant:

Paul Sides teaches that Messiah was 100% man, because Mary was impregnated by Joseph’s sperm. He teaches that Messiah sinned and needed to be baptized by John for remission of sins. He teaches that just like Elohim made covenants with men like Abraham and Moses, Messiah made a covenant with the man Yahusha.  He teaches that after Messiah became perfected and lived a sinless life as a priest, and died to Himself on the cross, that He was then made divine.

All of that put a huge check in my spirit, which caused me to study scripture to see what it was proclaiming.

Paul Sides also teaches that Messiah was married to Mary Magdalene, and that He had children. And that His physical body wasn’t resurrected, just His spiritual one.

I found that the Scriptures only seem to be congruent when:

You see the Father as the most High God/Elohim;

Messiah as the Father’s first-born creation, thus He is deity, but He is separate and subservient to the Father;

That the world was created through them;

That Messiah is the image of the invisible Father, who came in the flesh to fulfill His Father’s will, to redeem His set apart people;

That Mary supernaturally became pregnant without being with a man, Joseph;

That Messiah was the spotless Lamb of Elohim, who was without sin;

And that the Spirit of the Father is given to those who have a covenant relationship with the Father through the Son.

Then Messiah’s statements about the Father and His conversations with the Father, seem very normal. Then Messiah, who was the exact representation of the Father, could be tempted by sin; and could die as the Passover Lamb, and be raised again by the Father.

So while most christians have a distorted trinitarian view of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Paul Sides and Ed Moore have gone too far the other way.

The Apostle John warned, “Because many who are leading astray went out into the world who do not confess יהושע Messiah as coming in the flesh. This one is he who is leading astray and the anti-messiah.

John is NOT pointing out that a man would come in the flesh, because that is the case for every human being.  He is declaring that Messiah is deity who came in the flesh.

Paul Sides and Ed Moore are proclaiming that Messiah is not deity, but that He was only a man.  Thus by John’s definition, they are leading people astray and are anti-Messiah.

This study proves that Rav Shaul’s teachings about Messiah are false: Paul Sides Is A False Teacher Who Says Messiah Was 100% Human

I also read Rav Shaul’s explanations about prophecy, which interested me, as I have studied prophecy a lot.

Here is a summary of what Paul Sides has proclaimed.  Once again he uses The Heavenly Scroll, which is not declared in Scripture, to explain prophecy fulfillment:

He predicted that Messiah would return on September 13, 2007.

He teaches that the false concept of Jesus Christ is the Antichrist of Revelation 13.

He teaches that the man of sin, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, is not an actual man, but an image of a man, the false Jesus Christ.

He teaches that the number 666 points to Jesus Christ as the antichrist.

He teaches that the ‘restrainer‘ of 2 Thessalonians 2 is the Archangel Michael.

He teaches that the locust of the fifth trumpet of Revelation are Christian preachers who lead people astray.

He teaches that there will only be 10 days of tribulation.

I have found that the prophecy fulfillment only seems to be congruent when:

You understand that the office of the papacy, the Popes of Rome, have fulfilled the prophetic titles of the Little Horn of Daniel 7, the Son of Perdition of 2 Thessalonians 2, and the antichrist beast of Revelation 13.

Daniel and the Apostle Paul and John all described the same thing, the antichrist Popes of Rome rising to power after the Roman Empire collapsed, and the Roman Emperor was removed from power.

So the false concept of Jesus Christ is not THE antichrist, like Paul Sides teaches; rather it is the Popes of Rome, who proclaim to be Jesus Christ, and the leader of the true church.

The Roman Catholic Church is the harlot of Revelation 17, who wears purple and scarlet, who has the golden cup for her Eucharist ceremony abominations, who has shed the blood of the saints.

The Roman Catholic church is the Babylonian Mystery religion, hidden under the guise a christian church.  And Protestant churches are her daughters, along with Islam and other false religions.

Paul Sides false prophecy fulfillment explanations effectively deflect blame away from the Jesuits of Rome, who are the earth beast of Revelation 13.

They control the world via their three city-state corporations of Vatican City, which controls the world’s religious and political leaders; the City Of London, which controls the world’s financial and trade organizations; and the District of Columbia, which controls the world’s intelligence agencies and military powers.

This study proves that his teachings about prophecy fulfillment are false: Paul Sides Is A False Prophecy Teacher

Recently I learned that Rav Sha’ul is writing his own Bible version.

He posted his version of the book of Galatians, and it is an abomination!

He is justifying adding text to the Scriptures, to explain his interpretation. But you will see that he has changed the intent of verses and added false meanings to them, which is a violation of Yah’s command.

He is proclaiming that nobody else has translated the book of Galatians correctly.

A word-for-word translation gives you what the Apostle Paul proclaimed, so Paul Sides is effectively telling you that his version is what the Apostle Paul should have written.  Last time I checked the Apostle Paul’s words were inspired by the Spirit of Yah.

Rav Sha’ul is claiming that Scripture was altered to make Messiah sinless and deity, but what you will see is that it is he who is manipulating Scripture to justify his heretical teachings about Messiah. Read Paul Sides Is A False Bible Translator

As I continued to research Paul Sides, I found many discrepancies in his personal life, that don’t match up with a supposed Nazarene teacher. 

I think that exposing his false teachings is the primary way to reveal truth about someone, but his lifestyle gives a glimpse of who he is. This is not gossip, this is simply sharing what they have posted on Facebook for all to see.

Here is a summary of what I found:

Paul and Stephanie both have tattoos of the Father’s Hebrew name, so it’s not a case of having them before they were saved.  Paul dismisses the Torah command about not having tattoos.

Stephanie recently posted that she worked 10 days in a row, which means that she worked on the Sabbath day; which is forbidden in the Torah.

Stephanie has a obvious focus on alcohol, and recently studied to become a bartender.

And the pictures of Stephanie that they have been shared by both of them are inappropriate, as they can cause a weak brother to stumble.

So from my perspective, I am seeing a false teacher, a false prophet, a heretic Bible translator, and someone who excuses not obeying the Torah.

And sadly, I had to find out that Paul Sides is also a liar.

Paul accused me of writing bad 1-star reviews on all of his books on Amazon.com, but if people would just read the reviews for themselves they would see that six of his books have nothing but 5-star reviews, which invalidates his claim. And of the books that have a 1-star review on them, none appear to be from the same person, and none are from me.

Why would he lie about something that people can so easily see is not true?

Here is the link to his books on Amazon, so you can see for yourself. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=rav+shaul

It’s not my place to judge Paul Sides.  He will stand before Elohim to account for his works.  But we are called to discern truth and expose deceptions.

This really isn’t about me being right and Paul Sides being wrong.  This is my calling, to teach the truth and expose the many deceptions of these end times.  I have exposed many other false teachers.

But if the watchman sees the sword coming and shall not blow the ram’s horn, and the people shall not be warned, and the sword comes and takes any being from among them, he is taken away in his crookedness, and his blood I require at the watchman’s hand.’ Ezekiel 33:6

The influence of Paul Sides is growing and many people are being deceived by his teachings. He has people like Ed Moore on Facebook promoting his teachings. And he posts them on SabbathCovenant.com

As a watchman on the wall, I will not sit idly by and let them deceive people. The Spirit has equipped me to be able to expose their many false teachings. If people will study the Scriptures to search for truth, instead of just defending Paul Sides; they too will see that he is a false teacher.

Here’s an absurd video of Paul Sides baptizing himself in his tub, in response to this website.

He ends the video by saying, “Thank David, the murderer (hatred for a brother is murder) who has stoned his brother to death for what Yahuah has forgotten… for costing you your eternal life by causing you to do the same thing. REPENT! Your hatred for me is not worth your eternal life for mocking Yahuah’s promise to forgive my sin and remember it no more through Mikveh.”

I do not hate Paul Sides, so his proclamation is unfounded. I grieve that he is misleading people with false explanations about Messiah, and I’m called to expose his deceptive teachings. The focus of this website is his false teachings, not his past life.

I pray that you can see the truth about Paul Sides, so that you’re not misled by his false teachings.

Please pray for Paul Sides, Ed Moore and their followers, that they would come to see the truth.

If you see people on Facebook who are promoting his teachings, please share these studies with them and pray for them.

Grace, peace and love to you in Yah’s mighty name!

David Nikao Wilcoxson

Here are some images that you can save and use on Facebook to summarize his false teachings that are based on The Heavenly Scroll:

Paul Sides proclaims Messiah did not exist before His birth, which denies His deity


Rav Sha'ul teaches that Messiah was born of Josephs seed, making him 100% human


Paul Sides proclaims that Messiah was 100% human and not deity.


Paul Sides teaches that Messiah was sinful and needed to be perfected, this denying His deity









135 thoughts on “Who Is Paul Sides, aka Rav Sha’ul?”

  1. Interesting! Because the Spirit had pulled me out of ‘Christianity’ and the deceptions that are taught in Protestant churches and others such as the Roman Catholic church; and I am searching for truth also.
    I have found,and gone back to the so called original languages used by the O T prophets – the Assyrian-Aramaic or Ashurit or Ktav Ashurit, and what Jesus the disciples spoke and wrote – Galilean-Aramaic, from the original manuscripts given to the original church founded by 2 of the original disciples – Thomas and Jude – the Apostolic Orthodox Catholic Church of the East in Urhai (now modern Turkey) who hid the original manuscripts for 2000 years thus preserving them! These have been translated by a native born Mesopotamian Aramaic speaker and translator,Victor N. Alexander and also Andrew Gabriel Roth, A Messianic/Christian Jew from the original Syriac Peshitta avoiding the Greek or Latin translations.And have been attested by 3 people as fact – Alexander, Roth and Head patriarch of the original church Mar Shimun (1957).
    So, what has more power – the name Jesus from the Hellenized Jews,or Greeks,or the Latins,or the original name in the Galilean-Aramaic,which states MarYah or Maran Ysho or Eoshoa Msheekhah is the only name he should be called by,or when invoked? Only the real name having the true great power,will prove the true name.

  2. Hi David ,
    I think you’re right on the false teachings of Paul Sides teachings. I was able to see that just by him bringing his own interpretations of scriptures which should stand alone as such . It’s easier to follow teachers than to dig in and to prove all things.

    I used to be a member of an off shoot of the Worldwide church of God who taught that Yahusha was the ETERNAL WORD of God that became flesh.All though this teaching was heresy , most of their teachings were true but after leaving the organization , I realized that the leaders of these groups were false teachers and prophets.

    I did my own research and realized that since the 300’s AD , our translations had been corrupted by Philo and Greek philosophy , Jewish philosophy and a mix of Pagan teachings. The translators of those bibles were Trinitarian so they supported that Jesus was God , God the Son , The Eternal Word , half man – half God etc…..

    So most passages in the New testament that SEEM to support that Jesus was the Creator or that he was eternal have been mistranslated. Knowing that the Greek language and Hebrew words can be used for different meanings , it certainly adds up to the confusion.

    But I realized that these scriptures that SEEMED to support that Jesus was God , didn’t outweigh the ones that claimed that he was not. He himself said that he was the Messiah , the Son of God. But claiming to be I AM would be utter blasphemy because we know that Yahweh is I AM.

    Yahusha clearly said in John 17:3 : This is eternal life that they may know You , THE ONLY TRUE GOD and Yahusha whom you have sent. We could almost rest our case on this single quote from him.

    In the book of Acts we see that the Apostles all claim that God is the Creator and they make a very sharp distinction between God and Yahushua which they never call him God.

    Yahushua said to Nicodemus : That which is of the flesh is flesh and that which is of the spirit is spirit. God is an invisible spirit. Nahum says that God is not a man.

    We could go on and on with so many scriptures that Yahweh says that there is NO OTHER God but Himself and Jesus confirms that in John 17:3.

    The Greek and the Jews expressed themselves in ways that we have a hard time to understand , it’s like trying to understand Shakespeer in our own time , the expressions used by him , wouldn’t reflect today’s way of communication.

    I have to agree with you that the True Yahushua has been under assault by the Babylonian system who are provoking sincere Christians to commit idolatry in a very cunning way by making Jesus another God thus breaking God’s commandment not to do so. From the scripture says that Yahushua is the first born from the dead not of all creation because when you read Genesis 1 , we do not read such a thing. Isaiah 6 has a vision of the heavenly throne and only Yahweh can be sen sitting on that throne which fits perfectly with the vision of Revelation. Yahushua is the firstborn of the new creation to come where he has the preeminence in which all men and women will be saved and born in the family of God. Yahwey made all things on his behalf , He was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.

    Thank you for your hard work , I think we are all striving to know the truth.

    Here are some books that helped me to understand a bit more about history , translations and heresies.

    1- Refuting Rabbinic objections to Christianity by Eitan Bar
    2- THE ONE in the defense of God by Dan Gill
    3- Restoring the biblical Christ by Jason Kerrigan
    4- Against heresies by Irenaeus

    I do not claim to have all the truth but getting to know the true God is something of great importance , lest we worship another Jesus like Paul warned.

    These are helps only , we have to discern and compare with scripture to prove all things.

    May God lead us into all truth


    • Thank you for sharing your insight Michael! The topic of the manuscripts and translations is a challenging one, to be sure.

      The enemy hates that people have come out of Roman Christianity, so he’s causing people like Paul Sides to mislead them with a false Messiah.

      Keep learning and growing in The Way!

      • The Let My People know page puts out lots of historical evidence about the creation of the bible as well as creation evidence that you might find interesting.
        The Lamp in the dark documentary and the forbidden book follow your what you’ve been revealing. One of them talks of the rcc joining the cause the cause of translating the bible to all languages. I believe they began to mess scripture in late 1800 but ramped it up in the last 30 years. they didn’t need to in the 300 because they taught only what benefited them. Many saints gave their lives for the common man to have the Word of God and the Messiah known as Iesous and then Jesus to them. I have done a translate search using Yeshua and Jesus and these almost always translate the same in other languages and the meaning is God saves or God loves both of these are constantly attacked and it is very popular to use the name of Jesus in vain today. The true God separated the languages so it makes since that He would cause His Word to be heard in those languages. Maybe the physical manifestation of tongues in written form given by the Holy Spirit to the apostles/prophets He raised up out of babylon to call more out of her.

  3. You said the Spirit pulled you out of Christianity. The Spirit led you out of the false teaching of the Roman Catholic Protestant, which is not Christianity. Roman Catholic Protestant does not follow the teaching of Yeshua Messiah. The Catholic religion has a priest, father whom stand as Yeshua to cleanse sins of the people, which is blasphemy! If you studied the scripture for yourself instead of trusting the Priest, you would have known the Catholic organization is false. Matthew 23:8-9 King James Version-8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 1 Timothy 2:5 King James Version (KJV)
    5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; The biblical Christian church holds to the teachings of Yeshua Jesus (his name in English), even though they foolishly celebrate Roman Catholic pagan holidays….Easter, Halloween,Christmas. You were trying to find a more biblical pagan-less church, but what you end of finding was false teachings, because they had what you were looking for, a Sabbath church that didn’t celebrate pagan holidays, but they had a totally different Jesus, a totally different Yahweh God of Israel. Which is no different from the Roman Catholic Protestant religion you left. Be careful because Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventist, Worldwide Church of God, which are all the same brands deceived by Satan. They holds their services on Saturday, but they all teach a different Jesus, a different Kingdom of God and practices “Saved by works” instead salvation through Yeshua Jesus Messiah only. Perhaps you should check out Jews for Jesus. I’m thankful for the Holy Spirit and your foundation being rooted in Christ Jesus, Yahweh in flesh, because you discerned by the Holy Spirit that Ravshaul teachings were of Satan. But I still notice you are still praying in the false name Yahuah, which is also a false name created by ravshaul, because it has no Hebrew origins. Hold to the teachings of Yeshua Jesus the Messiah, therefore you won’t be deceived!

  4. I need help knowing what your contact with Paul Sides has been.
    He claims his prediction for a 2007 Return of Messiah was just a guess and it’s OK TO BE WRONG? What? Then he predicts 2017 COME AND GONE, WE’RE STILL HERE!

    I have friends caught up in his LIES. Where do I start?

    • Thank you for your comment Chris. My first post on this website was on 02-27-16. During the six months prior to this I had read Paul Sides studies. When I raised objections on Facebook and YouTube, I was shunned. So my history with Rav Shaul goes back more than five years.

      He doesn’t understand prophecy fulfillment, so he’s made several false predictions about Messiah’s return. He seems to base some of his explanations on a futuristic 70th week of Daniel 9, which is a deception from the enemy, as the 70th week pointed to Messiah’s ministry when He confirmed the everlasting covenant with His blood as the Spotless Lamb. https://70thweekofdaniel.com

      Regarding your friends, start with this page which uses Scripture to expose his deceptions. https://ravshaulexposed.com/paul-sides-is-a-false-teacher/

  5. Thank you for your web site. I was swayed by Rav Shaul earlier this week and then I woke up today. Then I found your site so I appreciate your expose of the matter.

    I read through your verse excerpts supporting that Yashuah was without sin and this is refreshing to see. I’ve always held onto the verses that he was made obedient through his suffering (Heb 5:8). I was wondering if you could deliver an opinion on this? Could it be that there is some disobedience which is not sin?

    • Thank you for your comment Quintin. Praise Yah that you’re searching out Scriptural truth!

      I’m not sure what you’re referring to by ‘disobedience which is not sin.‘ Sin is sin. Scripture declares that Messiah was without sin.

      Can you provide verse(s) that point to ‘disobedience which is not sin’?

  6. If we are humble and modest we realise that we all need help in understanding the scriptures, just as the Ethiopian eunuch whom Philip was sent to did. That man was puzzled about a certain passage of Scripture. “Do you actually know what you are reading?” Philip asked him. The Ethiopian replied: “Really, how could I ever do so unless someone guided me?” What humility​—especially considering that the eunuch was likely a man of note in his homeland! Thanks to his humility, he received deep insight into the Scriptures.​ The same is true today, God is using his channel to draw people from all corners of the globe to his pure worship, as foretold in Isaiah 2:2,3. The true followers of the true God and his appointed son do the work he assigned them:”All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.”Mth 28:19,20. ”And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”Mth 24:14. Who is doing the masters work? The answer is very clear, only the Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses are engaged in this proclamation and teaching of God’s kingdom worldwide. That kingdom will soon take over earth’s affairs and rule forever over it. Da 2:44 True Christians are ”no part of the world” and are busy proclaiming the kingdom message. Anyone who wishes can join them, as Rev 22:17 encourages all to do.

  7. David: Interesting take on “Rav Sha’ul”. I haven’t read anything of his writings other than his position on Jesus being Anti-Christ. What immediately troubled me were the claims of his being “chosen”. However, I do currently share the belief that Iesus Christos (as in Helios Christos – the “Venerable Sun”) is a counterfeit messiah and I would characterize that fictional creation of the Church of Rome as “Anti-Messiah” and, at the risk of heresy, consider Yahshua Ben Yosef to be the true Messiah, and in that sense…..antichrist. Over the years, I have always used two foundational scriptures when taking a position (my following quotes may not be verbatim, but close, and I do not have the exact book, chapter and verse readily at hand) 1. As for me my Name is Yahuah and I DO NOT CHANGE! 2. If anyone adds anything to my Torah or takes anything away from my Torah, I will write their name out of the Book of Life. Now, to take my possible heresy a step further, I no longer believe that the New Testament (especially the newer translations) is a completely reliable document because of the “Fathers” who approved (or disapproved) of the various books they chose to complete their Canon, and I measure the content by the Old Testament, keeping my Strong’s near at hand. Another book I have found very useful for reference when it comes to the writings of the early church “Fathers” is “From Sabbath to Sunday” by Samuele Bacciocchi (probably spelled that wrong), who studied at the Vatican University and had access to a lot of old documents which might otherwise have been less available to others. At any rate, I appreciate the research you have done, and I certainly agree that we need to “test the spirit(s)” and always be wary of those who may be false prophets, whether their intentions are good, or not. Jon K.J. “Jeff” Bartz

  8. “Achi in mishpocha “I’m going to be frank with you and what you think you might know, “This is a common misconception in the western world about Paul, you should really do your work my friend before you mislead many on what paul really taught, remember paul was 100% ultra orthordox jew with many hasic and kabalistic teachings that it some form in scripture can not be understood in english”

    • This website is not about Paul the Apostle. It’s about Paul Sides, who calls himself Rav Shaul. Here is a summary of what Paul Sides has proclaimed about Messiah:

      He was not born as deity, but 100% human.

      He was supernaturally conceived with the seed of His biological father Joseph.

      He went to John to be baptized for repentance of sin.

      He had to have His sin washed away.

      There is no requirement for Messiah to live His entire life with no sin.

      He was not born “obedient”, but rather disobedient.

      He had to learn obedience like every other human being.

      He became a god, a deity, after He purified His life.

      He was married to Mary Magdalene and had children, one them was the Apostle John.

      And that His physical body wasn’t resurrected, just His spiritual one.

  9. Indeed: Paul Sides and Moore ( who once got very nasty to me wgen i exsposed him ) are charlatans and must be earned against. As for Jesus being the anti- Christ; he is , but better said: Christianity is die ut / “he” teaches/ precies Lawlessnes which is another Word for Anti- Christ as in being anti Torah as i n being anti (the) Truth.

  10. I agree that some of His teaching are not accurate, but there are some you dismiss pretty flippantly without scripture to back it up. Specifically, that the J name isn’t being used to promote a false gospel that we were all warned about. Also, it is promoting and has promoted lawlessness for many years. And that name in Rev. 13 literally sounds out Ieseus from the Greek symbols Khee Xi Stigma. Prophesy is not understanding the future, but the discernment of scripture. Calling people out is not a bad thing, but I think there is a certain way you should do that. Doesn’t scripture speak to this?

    • Your statement is off-target, as I teach that the office of the papacy, the popes of Rome proclaim to lead Messiah’s church, but they teach a false Gospel of works through the sacraments and a false intercessor in Mary. The antichrist beast popes have used Catholics to torture and kill tens of millions of Messiah’s saints. And they’ve done all of this in the name of Jesus. http://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/prophecy-points-to-the-leader-of-the-roman-beast/

      Iesous does not equate to 666, stop listening to false teachers! The name of the antichrist beast popes of Rome, the Vicar of Christ, equates to 666. As does their blasphemous crucifix which in Greek is Chi-Xi-Stigma, which means Christ nailed to a cross. https://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-earth-beast-of-revelation-13-jesuit-generals-of-rome/

      The manuscripts of the New Testament were written in Greek and they have Iesous, so it wasn’t created by Constantine. Where are the manuscripts which have Messiah’s Hebrew name? My point is that the Greek Iesous is a valid transliteration of Messiah’s name.

      The popes of Rome promote the pagan-based holidays of Easter and Christmas, which serve to hide how Messiah is fulfilling His Father’s set-apart Holy Feast Days to redeem the set-apart saints. I teach people to come out of the Roman-Babylonian false teachings. https://revelationtimelinedecoded.com/the-earth-beast-of-revelation-13-jesuit-generals-of-rome/

      As for calling out Rav Sha’ul, I tried to share truth with him, but he blocked me and came against me. This website serves as an open rebuttal to his false teachings.


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