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This Rav Sha’ul Exposed page is for contacting us with questions, comments and insight about Paul Sides.

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For we must rely on Scripture and the Spirit to show us truth.

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2 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. I would like your understanding of John 1:45 please. Romans 1 “according to the flesh”, should have read “according to half flesh”? Romans 5 (v15) explanation is? I understand that this was post The Spirit descending and making sanctuary with “Jesus”. I understand that beyond this event (which is almost all of the NT) “Jesus” possessed a Spirit that was not common to “man” and for sure not “making sanctuary with”. I do not agree with 100% of the Rav’s teaching but they sure are more logical and realistic than “seminary theology” of incarnation. Please share you thoughts with me friend. שלום

    • John 1:45 points to Joseph playing the fatherly role to Messiah. Romans 5:15 points to Messiah’s humanity in that He was born of a virgin Mary.

      As for Rav’s teachings in regard to Messiah, they are not logical or realistic, as they are contrary to Scripture. That said, I don’t follow manmade teachings regarding Messiah and His Father.

      This study should help clarify the relationship of the Father and His Son:

      I recommend printing it out, as there’s many verses to consider.


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