Paul Sides Responds To Charges Of Blasphemy

This website serves to expose Paul Sides as a false teacher.

On 06/07/16 Paul Sides posted this, apparently in response to feedback on his previous Facebook post where Rav Sha’ul Proclaims To Be God And Forgive Sins. (I left his misspellings as they tell you something about him.)

I’ve added my comments in red.

It is interesting to witness the full blown panic in the hearts of those deceived when a true son steps up and declares his birthright…

Panicked?  That’s laughable!  You’re the one who should be panicking, for judgment draws nigh, and you Paul Sides are a false teacher, a false prophet, and a false Bible translator.

—– John 1
…11 Yahusha came to his own, and his own did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, to those who believed in the covenant that bears his name (The Yahushaic Covenant), Yahuah gave THE BIRTHRIGHT to become children of God — 13 children born not of blood, nor will of the flesh, nor will of man, but born of Yahuah.… —

I am accused of blasphemy, herecy, etc. just like Yahusha did when he declared that same birthright. Even though I gave specific scriptural authority to make each and every claim as a son of Yahuah given me by Yahuah in The Yahushaic Covenant. Those who believe in incarnation have been robbed of the Spirit of Yahuah which declares Abba Father, as we are His divine family, Yahusha our brother NOT our God.

Paul Sides proclaims to be “I am” and to forgive sins, the two accusations of blasphemy against Messiah. He claims to be the equal of Yahusha.

He gave a lot of verses that supposedly justify his proclamation, but the verses in my study prove that He is wrong about Messiah being 100% human and sinful, and therefore his declaration is blasphemous.  Paul Sides Is A False Teacher

—- John 20:17
17 Yahusha said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’ ” —-

Why are you using a Bible version (apparently the NIV with Yahusha inserted into it) that has the name God???

I don’t believe that Yahusha is Yahuah. I believe that He is subservient to Him; but He is the first-born, He existed before the creation of this world, and took part in it; therefore He is deity. My explanation fits with Scripture.  Your explanation denies that Messiah, as deity, came in the flesh; thus by the Apostle John’s definition, you are anti-Messiah.

Creation eagerly awaits the revelation of the sons of Yahuah. I just revealed myself as His son, and in true form “my own did not receive me” and the False Spirit inside them cries out BLASPHEMY because they are not His children.

‘Your own’ did not receive you?  I am not of you, but am of Yahuah, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to expose your false prophecy teachings in this study, Paul Sides Is A False Prophecy Teacher

—– Romans 8
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 The creation waits in eager expectation for the revelation of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope… that it will be liberated by the SONS (not son) of Yahuah… —-

This is the Mystery of the Ages that Yahusha came to reveal. It is for the Chosen Few… most are not properly in covenant, and thereby do not know their birthright because they have not been given that RIGHT by Yahuah.

Those around Yahusha panicked too when he stepped up and boldly decalred his RIGHT to be a son of Yahuah. Accused him of the same things I am accused of now. Nothing has changed.

Rav Sha’ul

You write a lot of defensive posts Paul.  It would seem that you’re the one who is panicking.

Paul Sides teaching is antimessiah

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