Rav Sha’ul Begging For Money On Facebook

This website serves to expose Paul Sides as a false teacher.

On 02/16/17, on Facebook Paul Sides, who writes on Sabbathcovenant.com as Rav Sha’ul, wrote: (My comments are in red)

I don’t know about all of you, but I am growing weary of what is perceived of me “begging for money” to fund this ministry. Surely Yahuah has and can provide a better way…

So he’s weary of being perceived as “begging for money” to fund his ministry, but then this message serves as another plea for people to send him money, because Yahuah apparently hasn’t provided a better way. 


If you not only believe in this ministry, but would like to serve full time as a paid servant of Yahuah WITH ME… in the very near future.

A paid servant?

If you are willing to invest $50 in yourself to make that happen. I am looking for those who are committed to making this happen with me.

This is a very real opportunity that has the potential to fund not only The Sabbath Covenant, but each and every one of you in the process without investing any more than $50 and that will be returned to you in the first few days.

So he is saying that if they will invest $50, then that will be returned to them in the first few days?!?  That kind of sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me! How would their money support the ministry, if it’s just going to be returned to the donors in a few days?

If serving Yahuah full time with your life, and bringing the message of The Sabbath Covenant to the world is something that Yahuah has laid on your heart… simply reply below and we will take the next step and do this together as a REAL “body” of the Messiah working as a fully functional unit to the benifit of all.

This will literally change your life.

Rav Sha’ul

Well, it should be interesting to see how this strategy plays out.  First he sold books, but people accused him of making money on his book sales; so he started offering the book download for free.  Then he wanted people to support him with a monthly pledge, but apparently that hasn’t worked out so well.  And now he is offering to return the money that people send him, which does really seem to make sense.

Read Who Is Paul Sides, aka Rav Sha’ul?

Paul Sides, Rav Shaul, teaches a false human Messiah


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