Rav Shaul Is Now Paying People To Spread A False Gospel

This website serves to expose Paul Sides as a false teacher.

On 05/25/17, on Facebook Paul Sides, who writes on Sabbathcovenant.com as Rav Sha’ul, posted this about supporting his ministry: (My comments are in red)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am finally ready to announce The Sabbath Covenant Distribution Chain. No “bitcoin”, no pyramid, just a plain and simple spit of the donations generated to GIVE away the .pdf files of The Original Revelation Book Series.

Rav Shaul apparently realized that the Bitcoin business that Ger Zimmerman and Max Ard promote, is really an illegal pyramid scheme, where money is moving from one pocket to another.

Why would he give people a split of the money that has been donated?  Shouldn’t they just share are part of their ministry? 

All who enter into this program will benefit for their labor to spread The Gospel and fulfill The Great Commission by giving my books to others, and after they have changed that person’s life… bringing them into the chain to help us reach the world.

Getting paid to spread a false gospel!  That is not the Great Commission!  

If you are interested in knowing more and becoming an active member of the ministry team at The Sabbath Covenant, and you are ready to take your place as a link in the chain… please leave your name below.

Read Paul Sides Is A False Teacher

Paul Sides, Rav Shaul, flase teachings about Messiah

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