Parable From Rav Sha’ul About Paul And David

This website serves to expose Paul Sides as a false teacher.

On 06/07/16 Paul Sides posted this ‘parable’ on Facebook, which is clearly about me.  It’s pretty pathetic.  I added my comments in red. (I left his misspellings, as they tell you something about him.)

Parable by Rav Sha’ul

“Sin” in the life of a teacher, is like interceptions in the career of a pro quarterback… when evaluating two quaterbqacks, one let’s say his name is Paul has thrown 177 interceptions. Another, let’s say his name is David has thrown 0 interceptions.

Which is the better quarterback, Paul or David?

Anyone want to take a shot at this?


Ok… here is my point. That one stat is misleading. You need “context” to make an informed decision. Here is the context:

Paul – 10 years as an NFL stater, 3 superbowls, the highest rated quarterback in NFL history, lowest inteception/attempts among quarterbacks.

David – 1 year in the NFL spent on the bench as a third string QB. Never played a game, never threw a NFL pass.

I’ve been at this for five years, thanks.  And I’ve thrown a lot of passes.

I’ve written studies on Roman Catholic Beliefs to help Catholics see that what the Popes teach is contrary to scripture, so that they come out of the Mystery Babylon religion.

I’ve written many  studies on End Times Deceptions, to teach the truth about prophecy fulfillment and expose the many deceptions.

I’ve written a study series called The Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians, which documents the creation of the Roman religion of Christianity; to help people come out of the influence of the Roman Babylonian religion.

I’ve written a study series called Islam In Bible Prophecy, that explains how the Roman Church wrote the Qur’an and propped up the illiterate Mohamed as their prophet, to use Arabs to kill Jews and the saints, to conquer territory, and the capture Jerusalem.

I’ve written a 56 lesson study series called Revelation Timeline Decoded, which explains the fulfillment of the seals, trumpets, bowls, the Little Book, the Two Witnesses, the Antichrist Popes, the False Prophet Jesuit Generals, etc.  It tells you where we are at on the fulfillment timeline and what will happen next.  My studies prove that you are wrong in teaching that Jesus Christ is the antichrist and the Son of Perdition.  Lots of interceptions on your prophecy explanations Paul!

I recently written a studies series about the 70th week of Daniel, to teach how it was fulfilled on time; to prove that it is not a future 7-year tribulation period, like you have taught.

And I’m working on a study series about The Biblical Calendar, which includes information on the Gospel In The Stars.


Paul has honed his skills, learned from every interception he has thrown to look off the defenders, read the defenses.

David – well, we don’t know. He has never played in a game.

I play the game everyday exposing false teachers like you Paul Sides! I know the proper fulfillment of prophecy, unlike your false explanations.  I know the proper relationship of Yahuah and Yahusha, unlike your heretical teachings that claim that Messiah was 100% human and sinful.


Now, tell me how this relates to a teacher? How does it relate to Yahusha? How does it relate to the ones prophesied in the end that will “instruct many” in the book of Daniel?


Paul has honed his skills, learned from every interception he has thrown to look off the defenders, read the defenses.

David – well, we don’t know. He has never played in a game.

This website proves that I can play the game very well, thank you!

I have proved that you, Paul Sides, are a False Teacher who preaches a false Messiah

I have proved that you Paul Sides, are a false prophecy teacher

And I have proved that you, Paul Sides, are a false Bible translator


Now, tell me how this relates to a teacher? How does it relate to Yahusha? How does it relate to the ones prophesied in the end that will “instruct many” in the book of Daniel?

Daniel 12 is not about the end times, oh false prophecy teacher!  It described the 3 1/2 years of tribulation from 66-70 A.D., when the Jews were desolated for rejecting their promised Messiah and delivering him up to be killed.  It matches the message of Daniel 9 and the Olivet Discourse, that the temple, city and Jews would be desolated.  The book was closed up so that the Jews would not understand the message.

It is easy for a 20 something child, to point out the “interceptions” in the life of an Elder in his 50s. The Elder has been serving Yahuah, trained through discipline longer than the younger wanna be has been alive!

But the younger wanna be QB will point out the total interceptions of the established super bowl winning QB… because he aspires to take his job. He will leave out “the context” as to sway those listening to him.

Trust me when I say that I never want to take your job as false teacher, false prophet and false Bible translator!

As for leaving out context, that is a false accusation. 

You make clear statements that proclaim that Messiah was 100% human and sinful, I used Scripture to prove you wrong. 

You make clear statements about prophecy fulfillment, I used Scripture to prove you wrong. 

You manipulate the Word of Yahuah in Galations, I exposed that you changing the meaning of the verses. 

Your parable has no value.  You are not a super Bowl winning QB.  But you, Paul Sides, are a false teacher

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